Transformation, digitisation & happiness: Public opinion on UAE government services

Serco Institute Staff Team

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a sharp and significant impact on government services in the UAE – from how they are accessed, to the pressure that they are under. However, government services in the Middle East have been going through a process of transformation for some time. International and local factors have been driving a change in how governments interact with their citizens and residents. In this ground-breaking report, we look at what UAE service-users think, how they want things to change and what governments can do to deliver futureproof services.

Through expert polling and interviews across the United Arab Emirates, we have been able to create an informed and objective analysis of the sentiments of service users. We explore how the expectations of residents are being met, with astonishingly impressive levels of satisfaction uncovered. The UAE is at the forefront of delivering an increasing number of services digitally, a move that is likely to be popular with residents according to our survey. Two other key priorities for residents are the unification and personalisation of services – in other words, making services available in one place, with more control and more attentiveness from those providing them. Not only will delivering these priorities bring benefits for the service-user, but the Government could benefit too, through cost reductions and greater efficiency.

The central question facing the UAE is how does it maintain its high standards while undergoing a period of service transformation that could take them to the top of the government services international league tables?

Trust is fragile and service-users can quickly lose it if they have a bad experience. Ensuring it is retained as services evolve is difficult. However, with the UAE keenly focussed on ensuring the happiness of their residents, developing and delivering cutting edge government services going forward will require careful management of the transformation process.

Read the full report here: 



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In this ground-breaking report, we look at what UAE service-users think, how they want things to change and what governments can do to deliver futureproof services.

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