News & views

We collate and provide links to news and views from around the world to help share ideas and thinking for policy makers, procurers, providers, and any other organisations working in the public sector sphere to deliver better public services.

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News: Dubai breaks boundaries with truly joined up service delivery expos
City Makers in Dubai conduct hackathon style innovation sessions by bringing together multi-agency professionals to work on shared goals (source:
9th January 2019
Report: Institute for Government on the UK's outsourcing landscape in 2018
Institute for Government's first in a series of reports on the outsourcing landscape in the UK. Their key facts: £284bn spent 2017/18 by government on procurement of services from external suppliers (1/3 public expenditure); 28% (& increasing) of central government budget (£178bn); 47% (& declining) of local government (£98bn); overall this is not as much as other OECD countries; but poor quality of procurement data restricts analysis (source:
13th December 2018
Serco Institute and Reform public service debate in Westminster
Watch panel 2 of our event 'Alternative models of service delivery' with speakers Sir Bernard Jenkin MP, Professor Jo Pritchard, Rob Pollock and Rob Owen (source:
12th December 2018
Serco Institute and Reform public service debate in Westminster
Watch panel 1 of our event 'Data and digital rich frontline public service' with speakers George Freeman MP, Nico Henke, Devika Wood and Lisa Barrett (source:
12th December 2018
Rethinking the market for complex public services
(source: Gary L Sturgess)
10th December 2018
US Social Security Act sets up Innovation Center for Medicare & Medicaid programs
Testing models that improve care, lower costs, and performance based payment systems (source:
10th December 2018
US Dept for Homeland Security sets up Procurement Innovation Lab
PIL provides safe space to test new ideas to improve efficiency & effectiveness of procurement (source:
10th December 2018
Dubai Future Foundation on most impactful technologies affecting seven sectors in the UAE
Foresight on tech, water, space, education, health, energy, and how UAE govts support innovation to build cities of the future (source:
10th December 2018
When does government outsourcing work?
10th December 2018
Bettering procurement
Rupert Soames (source:
7th December 2018
Innovation News: Algorithms distort justice in the US
Algorithms are being used in the state and federal criminal justice system in the US to set bail & determine sentences more efficiently, but they are at danger of distorting justice (source:
4th December 2018
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Please note that all third-party content provided via hyperlinks in this section does not represent the opinion or view of Serco Group plc or any of its group companies (‘Serco’) unless expressly attributed otherwise. By linking to any sites in this section, you acknowledge and agree that Serco has no control over the content of these sites, including any opinions expressed and the content contained therein, and that Serco excludes all liability to you in this respect to the maximum extent permitted by law.
1st December 2018
Policy News: UK Govt Minister calls for AI in all departments
Margot James, UK Minister of State for Creative and Digital Industries speaks of bringing ‘the vanguard’ of AI into government Departments (source:
27th November 2018
Innovation News: Singapore govt looks to agile innovation methods
Singapore uses ‘Public Service Innovation Challenges’ and ‘Makeathons’ for government agency Directors to address & respond to key public sector priorities that cut across agency boundaries (source:
22nd November 2018
Innovation news: Canadian defence department looks to 'open innovation' and Challenge Prizes
Through setting specific Challenges, IDEaS aims to connect innovators with the government’s science and military members (source:
19th November 2018
Innovation News: U.S use of algorithms to deliver criminal justice is dangerous
World Economic Forum warns of increased use of AI in predicting crime in the US, stating that algorithms reinforce racial bias (source:
19th November 2018
Innovation news: Northern England cities lead way on smart city development
City of Hull in the UK, sprints ahead in building smart city data platform that allows tech innovators to plug in to local public services (source:
15th November 2018
News: UK govt backs centre to develop Public Service leaders
UK government proposes plan for new Centre for Public Services Leadership to focus on developing collaborative leadership skills that drive productivity and innovation across services. (source:
31st October 2018
Report: World Bank on lessons from developing world on improving public sector performance
Long report from World Bank giving global view on what drives & enables innovation in public sector performance across developing world (source:
1st October 2018
New thinking: Principles on how to better govern public services in the UK
Serco plc, sets out Four Principles to ensure the contractual relationships between commissioner and provider is governed better through Transparency, Orderly Exit, Security of Supply and Fairness
20th June 2018
The future of public services
Our mission is to help enable governments to develop the next generation of public service solutions for citizens through research and innovation in service design.