Policy People is the Serco Institute’s series of interviews with key figures from across the international public sector landscape.
Each volume, free to download here, focuses on an individual who has made a significant contribution to public services and the development of related policy. Across a series of themed interviews, these remarkable individuals reflect on their life’s work, consider current and future solutions to major issues, and offer fascinating views on a wide range of topics. The volumes make perfect reading for anybody interested in public services.
The first volume in the series is an interview with Lord Laming of Tewin who, after a significant career in social work, was subsequently the UK’s Chief Inspector of Social Services. For the past two decades, he has also been a Crossbench member of the House of Lords of the UK Parliament. In this interview he reflects on changes to the care and probation landscape since the 1960s, on Parliamentary reform, and on the meaning of a life in public services. Click below to read the full, fascinating document.
Further volumes will be released over coming weeks and months.